
How fast are your reactions?
Introducing Catchpad... Your smart training platform.
CatchPad’s advanced platform brings together multi-sensors, perceptual signals, and an AI-powered mobile app.
It was designed to transform your training to the next level with cutting-edge technology. And every training with the CatchPad, you are closer to the best version of yourself. You can use it in any field of sports for all ages and levels.
Strengthen your body, sharpen your senses, and be ready to react!
Choose from one of our exercises or, create your own
You can measure performance with comprehensive real-time stats and track progress.
Immerse yourself in personalized workouts to unleash your full potential with the CatchPad
Revolutionize your training and smash your barriers.
Make your exercises more innovative, engaging, and fun.
Train like a champion and hit your record.
Track your patients’ data and optimize recovery progress with CatchPad
Improve your balance with instant feedback.
You can compete against each other, or yourself or challenge people all around the world.
Keep your team in sync.
Reach new heights in your performance.
With the catchpad, the only limitation is your creativity. Just pack it, and leave. Training will never be the same again. Join the movement and back us today! CatchPad is now on Kickstarter.