
If you are a client:
There is no limit to the amount of credit you can have in your account. This credit can be either refunds from previous transactions or the balance you have uploaded.
When you want to initiate a new project, at the payment stage, the system will prompt you to select a payment method.
If you have sufficient balance in your digital wallet, you can choose to make the payment from your account.
You have the option to withdraw a partial amount or the entire balance from your digital wallet to your account at any time. Additionally, you can review all your account transactions at any time and access the necessary documents.

If you are an artist:
You can have as much credit as you wish in your account. This credit represents the payments you are entitled to from the projects you have previously completed.
You can withdraw a portion or the entire balance from your digital wallet to your account at any time. Additionally, in this section, you can review all your account transactions and access the necessary documents.